Remember when I went to the Yucatan? Me neither. The past several months have been a big blur, but here are some photos from my trip.

Mexico remains as photogenic as ever - I will never stop loving intricate doors against colourful walls.

Swimming in cenotes was a highlight of the trip, though their spectacularness was difficult to capture in photograph. Visiting the ruins of Mayapan was fabulous due to the lack of crowds. Fun fact: I desecrated the ruins by throwing up on the grounds. Good times.

I was there around Easter and it was fascinating to see how Mexicans celebrated the holiday. I didn't realize Palm Sunday referred to palm branches until I saw them distributed to churchgoers. On Good Friday, street processions were happening all over town in Merida.

Food will always remain a central part of my trip though I'm not going to lie, the food is better in Mexico City. I do wish we have tortillerias in Toronto.

Lessons learned: do not go to the Yucatan in April because it is waaay too hot. I say this as someone who loves the heat. Locals don't venture out during the day and hang out on the sidewalks in the evening, treating it like their living room. Learn from my mistake!
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