Major changes occurring around me has forced me to become contemplative about my life. (More than usual, anyway.) What are my life and career goals? Where do I see myself in five to ten years? I've always had a general idea, a certain path I'd like to follow but if I think too hard about the future, it can be a little overwhelming and frightening.
It can also be frustrating, as I certainly did not expect to be where I currently am at this point in my life. I'm sure there are many people in their 20s who feel the same way; I've seen enough articles in the media about how young adults are struggling in this economy. I know quite a few people who are job searching, myself included.

I will attempt to stay positive and fight the good fight, because what is the alternative? I've always been one to think that everything happens for a reason and things will work out eventually, so I will continue to cling to that belief even when things are tough.
These pictures are from my trip up north during the labour long weekend. There was a day trip to the Bruce Peninsula, which was gorgeous beyond words - blue skies and clear water for as far as the eye could see. There was a stop at the blueberry farm, but the highlight was the pick-your-own tomatoes. I love tomatoes and at the height of the tomato season, I can't help but eat them raw because they're so flavourful and I don't want to tarnish their perfection. I eat them like a fruit! (Because they are a fruit. Ba da bum.)
Here's a picture of a sunflower field. I will let you in on a secret: I love sunflowers because they make me happy. Hopefully this puts a smile on your face too, as it does to mine.
A major change that happened: one of my closest friends got herself hitched this month.