After ten years, I'm putting a pause on this thing. I think we can all agree that 2020 was a terrible year; I've been uninspired and need a break.
Grateful for: family, friends, health, laughter, love.
May 2021 lead to better things.
Grateful for: family, friends, health, laughter, love.
May 2021 lead to better things.
Toronto is back in lockdown. Hope everyone is keeping safe.
Below is the recipe for the dough, which you can use to make different shapes of pasta. I used the knife dragging technique to make cavatelli and orecchiette.
Case in point:
This is the reality: racism is entrenched in our society. How can it not be when this land, North America, was stolen from the Indigenous peoples by the white European settlers. This land, built on the backs of slaves and immigrants and yet they are the ones denied the opportunities.
The coronavirus has clearly shown the disparity in our society: people of colour, those who are lower income, are more likely to be infected by COVID-19 because they live in higher density neighbourhoods and/or do not have the privilege to work from home. They are disadvantaged in areas such as health, socioeconomic, education and poverty. And people say systemic racism does not exist.
The current environment has also exposed the whiteness of corporations and the media. Exhibit A is the implosion at Bon Appetit, which is disappointing but not surprising because (food) media is inherently white. See also: Alison Roman criticizing women of colour for their successes and not acknowledging the origin of her recipes.
One can only hope that the Black Lives Matter movement will finally force changes in this broken system. How can I not be hopeful when I see mass protests happening across the US and the world?
My commitment on becoming an ally: to read, to listen, to learn, to recognize my own biases (because we all have biases), to not make it about me, to speak up, to get involved.
I've been thinking about my previous adventures and for whatever reason, some moments stand out more than others. Some random memories to share:
Then my grandma passed away.
Then I got so sick that I had to be hospitalized.
This Easter, we're all stuck indoors, doing our best to social distance and flatten the curve.
I've been reflecting on the past year and while it hasn't been the greatest, I am:
Things that currently spark joy in my life:
Yes, it sucks being at home all day just as the warm weather is approaching but this meme puts it into perspective:
Thoughts running through my head:
A vegetable that can do so much and yet is often overlooked. If Eater is right, cabbage will have its moment this year.