July 23, 2012

Roasted Red Peppers Bean Dip

What is this, you ask? More peas? True to my last post, I went back to the farm to pick more green peas, along with some snow peas and potatoes. A week made a huge difference though - I'm assuming because it's been so hot and dry lately, I really had to sift through the peas to find ones that weren't fully matured yet. I added some garlic scrapes with the green peas and turned them into a pesto.

It was also the first week for raspberry picking and I couldn't resist snagging a couple of pounds. I ended up spending a good three hours on the farm. It was like I was WWOOFing again. (Minus the fact that it was 30+ degrees out. And loud children were running around.)

Summer is fast becoming my favourite season because I actually enjoy the unbearable heat and you can't beat in-season fruits. Cherries, peaches and plums - these are fruits I've purchased from the farmers' market in the past several weeks and I thank my lucky stars that they were available since it's been such a tough season for growers. I really wanted to go peach picking this year and make an absurd amount of peach preserves (I've been dreaming about peaches since last fall) but I don't think that's going to happen. I do need to make this before peaches disappear from my life again.

The raspberries, however, were cooked and canned.